Frequently asked questions

This page addresses some common questions about AlloyDB for PostgreSQL.

Connecting to AlloyDB

How do I connect to an AlloyDB cluster?

To connect to an AlloyDB cluster, use the psql command-line client.

AlloyDB supports network connectivity through private IP addresses.

To connect from a Google Cloud resource such as Compute Engine, the resource should be located in the same Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) as the AlloyDB cluster. For more information, see Supported private services access configurations.

To connect from a separate Google Cloud VPC or from elsewhere on the internet, you must set up an additional service to connect through. This includes running a SOCKS proxy on a VM within the VPC, or using Cloud VPN or Cloud Interconnect. For more information, see Connect to a cluster from outside its VPC.

AlloyDB supports VPC peering only from its own configured VPC. To connect to an AlloyDB cluster from outside its configured VPC, see Connect to a cluster from outside its VPC.

How do I ensure my connection to AlloyDB is secure?

To make your connections more secure, use the AlloyDB Auth proxy.

Can I get access to individual machines inside my read pool?

No. Instead of directly accessing the individual nodes of a read pool instance, your application sends queries to that pool as a whole. The pool's load balancer efficiently passes the query to one of the nodes and returns the node's response back to the user.

To find the IP address of a read pool instance—which is effectively the IP of its load balancer—see View cluster details.

AlloyDB availability and pricing

Where is AlloyDB available?

AlloyDB is currently available in a variety of locations around the world.

How much does AlloyDB cost?

For information about AlloyDB pricing, including examples, see its pricing page.

Migrating to AlloyDB

How do I migrate my data to AlloyDB?

AlloyDB supports data imports through a variety of file formats:

You can also use Database Migration Service to migrate PostgreSQL data and workloads to an AlloyDB cluster.

AlloyDB features

Does AlloyDB support VPC Service Controls?

Yes. For more information, see Configure VPC Service Controls.

Does AlloyDB support standard PostgreSQL triggers?

Yes. AlloyDB features full PostgreSQL compatibility, including triggers.

Which PostgreSQL extensions does AlloyDB support?

See Supported database extensions.

Running AlloyDB

How do I request additional storage?

To learn about current AlloyDB storage limits and how to increase them, see Limits.

How do I expose AlloyDB to my own customers?

AlloyDB works best as a back-end service. We recommend that you provide your own customer-facing service that receives user requests and communicates with your AlloyDB cluster as needed.

For example, you could set up a Cloud Run service to build a public interface to an underlying AlloyDB cluster.

Is there a way to automatically sync between BigQuery and AlloyDB?

No. AlloyDB does support manual data import through a variety of file formats.