ResetQuota policy

This page applies to Apigee and Apigee hybrid.

View Apigee Edge documentation.

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Use to dynamically modify the remaining number of requests allowed by the target Quota policy. You typically use this policy to decrease the current quota count of the target Quota policy rather than waiting for the quota count to reset.

For example, the target Quota policy limits a developer to 1000 requests per week. By the second day of the week, the developer has already reached this limit. Use the Reset Quota policy to subtract 500 from their quota counter to allow an additional 500 requests for the remainder of the week. At the end of the week, the Quota policy resets, and the developer is back to 1000 requests for the week.

This policy is an Extensible policy and use of this policy might have cost or utilization implications, depending on your Apigee license. For information on policy types and usage implications, see Policy types.

See Quota policy for more on the Quota policy. Also see this community post on using the Reset Quota policy.


These policy code samples illustrate how to reset quota counters:

<ResetQuota name="resetQuota">
   <Quota name="MyQuotaPolicy">
      <Identifier name="_default">

The Reset Quota policy specifies the target Quota policy by using the name attribute of the <Quota> tag. In the example above, the MyQuotaPolicy policy is the target.

All Reset Quota policies require the <Identifier> tag to specify the counter in the Quota policy to update. By default, a Quota policy has a single counter, unless the Quota policy also includes the <Identifier> tag. In this example, the target Quota policy does not use the <Identifier> tag, so you specify the name attribute as _default.

The <Allow> element specifies the value used to decrease the current quota count on the target policy. In this example, the quota count is decreased by 100, to allow 100 more requests to the target Quota policy. When the target Quota policy resets, this change is discarded.

Shown below is the definition of the target Quota policy:

<Quota name="MyQuotaPolicy">
  <Allow count="100"/>
<ResetQuota name="resetQuota">
   <Quota ref="request.header.quotapolicy">
      <Identifier name="_default">
         <Allow ref="request.header.allowquota" />

In this example, you pass the name of the target Quota policy, and the change to its quota count, as headers in the request. You can then reference the flow variables containing these values in the Reset Quota policy.

<ResetQuota name="resetQuota">
   <Quota name="QuotaPolicy">
      <Identifier ref="request.header.clientId">

If the target Quota policy specifies the <Identifier> tag, then you can specify the same value to the <Identifier> tag of the Reset Quota policy to update a specific quota count. Notice how the <Identifier> tag in the target Quota policy below matches the value specified to the Reset Quota policy:

<Quota name="QuotaPolicy">
  <Identifier ref="request.header.clientId"/> 
  <Allow count="100"/>

Element reference

The element reference describes the elements and attributes of the Reset Quota policy.

<ResetQuota async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="Reset-Quota-1">
   <DisplayName>Reset Quota 1</DisplayName>
   <Quota name="quotaName" ref="request.header.quotapolicy">
      <Identifier name="identifierName" ref="request.header.identifier">
         <Class ref="request.header.classIdentifier" />

<ResetQuota> attributes

<ResetQuota async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="Reset-Quota-1"> 

The following table describes attributes that are common to all policy parent elements:

Attribute Description Default Presence

The internal name of the policy. The value of the name attribute can contain letters, numbers, spaces, hyphens, underscores, and periods. This value cannot exceed 255 characters.

Optionally, use the <DisplayName> element to label the policy in the management UI proxy editor with a different, natural-language name.

N/A Required

Set to false to return an error when a policy fails. This is expected behavior for most policies.

Set to true to have flow execution continue even after a policy fails. See also:

false Optional

Set to true to enforce the policy.

Set to false to turn off the policy. The policy will not be enforced even if it remains attached to a flow.

true Optional

This attribute is deprecated.

false Deprecated

<DisplayName> element

Use in addition to the name attribute to label the policy in the management UI proxy editor with a different, natural-language name.

<DisplayName>Policy Display Name</DisplayName>


If you omit this element, the value of the policy's name attribute is used.

Presence Optional
Type String

<Quota> element

Identifies the target Quota policy whose counter should be updated.

<Quota name="quotaName"  ref="request.header.quotapolicy">
   <Identifier name="identifierName" ref="request.header.identifier">
Default: N/A
Presence: Required
Type: N/A


Attribute Description Default Presence

Specifies the name of the target Quota policy.

N/A Optional
ref A flow variable that contains the name of the target Quota policy. If both ref and name are specified, then ref gets priority. If ref does not resolve at runtime, then name is used. N/A Optional

<Quota>/<Identifier> element

Variable used to uniquely identify the counter if the target Quota policy specifies the <Identifier> tag.

<Quota name="quotaName">
   <Identifier name="identifierName" ref="request.header.identifier">
Default: N/A
Presence: Required
Type: String


Attribute Description Default Presence

Specifies the name of the count identifier in the target Quota policy. For a Quota policy that does not use the <Identifier> tag, specify _default.

N/A Optional

A flow variable that contains the name of the count identifier in the target Quota policy. If both ref and name are specified, then ref gets priority. If ref does not resolve at runtime, then name is used.

N/A Optional

<Quota>/<Identifier>/<Allow> element

Specifies the amount to decrease the quota counter. You must specify <Allow>, otherwise, the policy does not modify the quota.

<Identifier name="identifierName" ref="request.header.identifier">
   <Allow ref="request.header.allowquota">100</Allow>
Default: N/A
Presence: Required
Type: Integer


Attribute Description Default Presence

A flow variable that contains the change to the quota count in the target Quota policy.

N/A Optional

<Quota>/<Identifier>/<Class> element

Specifies the class for which the Quota counter is updated. For more on using class with the Quota policy, see Quota policy.

<Identifier name="_default">
   <Class ref="request.header.classIdentifier">
Default: N/A
Presence: Optional
Type: N/A


Attribute Description Default Presence

Reference to the flow variable that contains the quota class to update.

N/A Optional

Error reference

This section describes the fault codes and error messages that are returned and fault variables that are set by Apigee when this policy triggers an error. This information is important to know if you are developing fault rules to handle faults. To learn more, see What you need to know about policy errors and Handling faults.

Runtime errors

These errors can occur when the policy executes.

Fault code HTTP status Cause Fix
policies.resetquota.InvalidRLPolicy 500 The Quota policy specified in the <Quota> element of the ResetQuota policy is not defined in the API proxy and thus is not available during the flow. The <Quota> element is mandatory and identifies the target Quota policy whose counter should be updated through the ResetQuota policy.
policies.resetquota.FailedToResolveAllowCountRef N/A The reference to the variable containing the allow count in the <Allow> element of the policy cannot be resolved to a value. This element is mandatory and specifies the amount to decrease the quota counter.
policies.resetquota.FailedToResolveRLPolicy 500 The variable referenced by the ref attribute in the <Quota> element cannot be resolved.

Deployment errors

These errors can occur when you deploy a proxy containing this policy.

Error name Cause Fix
InvalidCount If the count value specified in the <Allow> element of the ResetQuota Policy is not an integer, then the deployment of the API proxy fails.


Related topics

Quota policy